Martin is one of our latest Gallery NWC consignment artists, and we are so excited to have his works at the gallery.

Martin has travelled the world many times over and uses his overseas experience to influence his artwork. He has produced many artworks in various mediums such as oils, acrylics, pastels, graphite, charcoal and engraving. Mostly, he tends to concentrate on landscapes and seascapes in oil paints with a true love and appreciation of the natural environment, light and atmospheric influences.

Martin's collection can now be seen on our website: https://nationwidecurating.com/collections/martin-shaliapin
as well as in Gallery NWC - 188 Katoomba Street, Katoomba.

Artwork (detail) Late Afternoon Reflection, Martin Shaliapin, oils on canvas, 40cm x 30cm

All enquiries through Gallery NWC & Nationwide Curating

Gallery NWC
Nationwide Curating