Artwork Installation Services

Interested in some home & office improvements this festive season?
Get in touch to talk to our art hanging specialists about your particular vision through our 'contact' page on our website (link in bio). We can handle the presentation needs of any situation.
If you are preparing to sell a property, dress up your workspace or dust off stored artworks for permanent viewing. Read more at our blog online today (bottom of home page).
Installation Equipment & Products: Nationwide Curating will source, supply and install all hanging equipment to suit your specific requirements.
Art Arrangement Solutions: Nationwide Curating has a range of offerings which include Solo & Cluster-Hanging-Solutions for eclectic collections or singular featured artworks.
Art Advisory Service: Nationwide Curating can advise you on a selection of artists & /or artworks to compliment your decor & stylistic preferences.
Nationwide curating offers an 'Activating Spaces' solution through regular art installations and art exhibitions via our 'rotating exhibition services'. Artworks are presented on artwork display systems supplied and installed by our qualified team providing quality artwork installation services. Art is transported to and from activated sites through our inhouse artwork transportation service 'Must-Hang Sally'. Artworks for sale through our E-commerce business allows us to sell original artworks and customers can buy art online directly, discreetly and securely. Our partnership with commercial and corporate clients allows us to display art in public spaces including and contributing to the Sydney art scene and greater NSW art scene.
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