Artwork of the month - Respite by Julie Simmons!

Julie Simmons
Watercolour on paper
220cm x 150cm (framed)
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'Respite' by Julie Simmons is the artwork of the month for February 2023. Congratulations Julie!
This piece is over 2 meters wide and the largest watercolour painting many viewers from WOTSO: North Strathfield have ever seen—According to direct feedback during installation and subsequent visits.
Respite is currently on display at WOTSO: North Strathfield (Bakehouse Quarter) L1/5 George Street 'Health Space'.
To access the gallery, see WOTSO staff for a pass. Available to view during business hours, 8.30am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
See our website for details under Julie's 'current exhibition' listing. All artworks are available for sale. Layby powered through PayPayl
Julie Simmons comes to Nationwide Curating courtesy of our collaborative partner Gallery ONE88 Fine Arts.

#nationwidecurating Julie Simmons Fine Art #juliesimmonsfineart @galleryone88finearts @wotsoworkspace @wotso.northstrathfield #galleryone88finearts #nationwidecurating #collaborativearts #smallbusinesssupport #strongertogether #landscapeartist #Arkaroola #centralaustralia #contemporarypainter #australianpainter #contemporaryartist #activatingspaces #artinstallations #artexhibitions #rotatingexhibitionservices #artworkdisplaysystems #artworkinstallationservices #musthangsally #ecommercebusiness #originalartworks #buyartonline #commercialclients #corporateclients #artinpublicspaces #sydneyartscene