CHEERS! To Celebrating your Voice and Following Your Own Path!

To celebrating all the little milestones along the way. To carving your own path, having a clear vision and staying true to your own voice in a world full of alternative ideas, agendas & volumes.
'GALLERY NWC' is now an official trademark.
This means it is adaptable to different locations as Nationwide Curating grows to include gallery spaces. We are kicking this off with 'Gallery NWC: St Leonards'. See earlier posts and website for details (link in bio).
Please join us in celebrating this lovely step along our path and better yet, take a walk with us!
Gallery Launch 24 February 2023
62 Atchison Street, St Leonards
Thursdays - Fridays: 10am - 4pm
Saturdays - Sundays: 12pm - 4pm
An updated 'Exhibitors Handbook' is available via our website with a floorplan and other details. Contact us for a 'Consignment' agreement for gift shop items.
#artistscallout #artistswanted #exhibitionavailable #stleonardsarts #nswartscene #northsydneyartsscene #gallerynwc #newgalleryintown #gallerylaunch
#newgallery #contemporaryartists #contemporaryarts #twtpropertygroupprecinct #brandxproductions #nationwidecurating #supportingartists #artsnsw