Don Talintyre's solo exhibition at Gallery NWC continues to the 6th of April at Gallery NWC
Don Talintyre's solo exhibition at Gallery NWC continues to the 6th of April at Gallery NWC
Don says about his practice: 'As for recreational art, I began painting local scenes around Sydney in the 1970’s. ... I worked in all mediums and all types of subject matter to broaden my skills and experiment with style. I attended short art courses, including in Millthorpe NSW where I acquired a real taste for landscape painting. However, real improvement did not occur until a friend showed me the Meldrum method of tonal realism and the indisputable value of working from life.'
Located at 188 Katoomba Street, Katoomba
Open: 10am - 4pm, Thursday - Monday

All enquiries through Gallery NWC & Nationwide Curating
Gallery NWC
Nationwide Curating