Exhibition Coming Soon

Image: Blossom, Reeva Ashton, Acrylic & Oil on canvas, 50.8cm x 50.8cm
COMING SOON to WOTSO: Pyrmont is the SOLO Exhibition of REEVA ASHTON
WOTSO (flexspace) Pyrmont - 02/12/2022 - 27/01/2023
Gallery 1 - Main Entrance, 55 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Pyrmont, Sydney NSW
See security/reception for access.
All artworks are for sale and shipping is available for interstate & international purchases.
My studio practice is an exploration of found images that are cut, pasted, digitally combined, and painted. In a world where photographic media is continuously consumed, my work blends realism into abstract forms to take on entirely new representations. Like fleeting memories, only fragments of what was once visually depicted, remain. Working in a variety of mediums, each painting tells a different story, often swayed by changing states of mind. My process is reflective, personal, often driven by observation, and yet highly influenced by transitory experiences.
Note: We will have a range of artworks by Reeva and as her exhibition spans the festive season, I am sure we will be wrapping them up as Chrissy Pressies for our clients.
A bit of context
Nationwide curating offers an 'Activating Spaces' solution through regular art installations and art exhibitions via our 'rotating exhibition services'. Artworks are presented on artwork display systems supplied and installed through quality artwork installation services. Art is transported to and from site through our inhouse artwork transportation services 'Must-Hang Sally'. Artworks for sale through our E-commerce Business allows us to sell original and customers can buy art online directly, discreetly and securely. Our partnership with commercial and corporate clients allows us to display art in public spaces including and contributing to the Sydney art scene.
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