The following sites are closed today for exhibition rotational services.
WOTSO Pyrmont 'Gallery 1'
55 Pyrmont Bridge Road
Main Entrance
WOTSO Pyrmont 'Gallery 2'
Bulwara Road entrance
55 Pyrmont Bridge Road
WOTSO Neutral Bay
50 Yeo Street
Main entrance, Mezzanine and L3
Rotating Exhibition changeover details:
Pyrmont Gallery 1 - Current artist Reeva Ashton to Renee Mitchell
Pyrmont Gallery 2 - Current artist Kristy Fox to Luke Abdallah
Neutral Bay Galleries - Current artist Jack Buckley to Heather Dunn.
All above named artists are participating in two upcoming group shows across February and March at Gallery ONE88 Fine Arts and Gallery NWC (see website for details-link in bio)
These site hosts rotating exhibitions of Nationwide Curating artists courtesy of our wonderful venue partner, WOTSO workspaces. All artworks are for sale and are displayed with a QR code which connects buyers with the e-commerce platform on our website (link in bio).
Accessible during business hours in person or anytime online, Nationwide Curating is activating spaces and building exposure for our artists. Learn more at nationwidecurating.com (link in bio)
#wotsopyrmont #curatingmatters #australiancurator #artscollaborations #nationwidecurating #ecommercebusinessaustralia #rotatingexhibitionservices #reevaashton #reneemitchellart #jackbuckleyart #australianartist #contemporarypainter #stilllife #oiloncanvas #australianartist #melbourneartist #emergingartist #upcomingexhibition #savethedate #schedulethis #sydneyartscene #pyrmontartscene #pyrmontsydney #nationwidecurating @reneemitchellart @ashtonfineart @wotsoworkspace Jatckart @wotso.pyrmont @kristyfoxart #lukeabdallahart Studio Abdallah @wotso.neutralbay #wotsoneutralbay