Featured Exhibition by Katherine Kennedy Now Open! WOTSO Pyrmont 'Gallery 1'

The current exhibition is officially open and is the most intimate exhibition held thus far at WOTSO Pyrmont 'Gallery 1' with just 3 artworks by Nationwide Curating artist and business owner Katherine Kennedy.

"It's hard to believe that we have had 16 exhibitions in just over 12 months across several commercial common spaces in WOTSO buildings. Sites which we have converted into art galleries. I must admit to feeling both pleasure and vulnerability when seeing my own work on the walls—for a concept which initially seemed a bit of a fantasy. Participating as an exhibitor in this venture keeps me grounded and in touch with the artists we represent." Katherine Kennedy
Nationwide curating offers an 'Activating Spaces' solution through regular art installations and art exhibitions via our 'rotating exhibition services'. Artworks are presented on artwork display systems supplied and installed through our qualified team providing artwork installation services. Art is transported to and from site through our inhouse artwork transportation service 'Must-Hang Sally'. Artworks for sale through our E-commerce Business allows us to sell original artworks and customers can buy art online directly, discreetly and securely. Our partnership with commercial and corporate clients allows us to display art in public spaces including and contributing to the Sydney art scene and greater NSW art scene.

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