Gallery NWC - Hours This Week

62 Atchison Street, St Leonards
Hours this week:
Thursday - Closed for external installations
Friday - Closed but onsite - Installing exhibition
Saturday - Open 12-4pm
Sunday - Open 12-4pm
Did you know we provide Rotating Exhibition Services with our corporate partnerships and Residential Installation Services for homes just like yours?
We are currently between bookings and are therefore preparing the space for two amazing upcoming exhibitions. Please plan your visit accordingly and watch this space for further details.
Nationwide Curating #gallerynwc #nationwidecurating #rotatingexhibitionservices #commercialparnerships #corporateartexhibitions #artinyouroffice #commonareas #newexhibitioncommingsoon #upcomingexhibition #artinstallations #installingart #artworksforsale #gallerynwcstleonards #nationwide_curating21 #curatorialservices