Gallery NWC OPEN!

YES! We are open today from 12pm.
Closing at 4pm. We look forward to seeing you so come on down!
62 Atchison Street, St Leonards.
We are between exhibitions currently, so we have a diverse installation of many of the artists we represent including:
Luke Abdallah, Reeva Ashton, Julie Simmons Renee Mitchell, Shanon Bradburn, Susan Ruming, Kristy Fox, Catherine Garrod, Katherine Kennedy, Brenda Willis, Alison James, Bronwyn Campbell, Ingrid Russell, Jack Buckley

#gallerynwc #gallerynwcstleonards Nationwide Curating @nationwide_curating21 #nationwidecurating @studio.abdallah @ashtonfineart Julie Simmons Fine Art @julie_simmons_fine_art Ashton Fine Art @shanonbradburnart Shanon Bradburn @kristyfoxart @reneemitchellart @brendawillis @alisonjamesartist @bronwyncampbell @iggiruss Ingrid Russell Art Jatckart Susan Ruming Artist @rumss_art