Gallery NWC: St Leonards - Closed Tomorrow

Gallery NWC is closed tomorrow as we are between exhibitions. We will reopen Friday 27 October for the installation of two solo exhibitions featuring the highly skilled artists, Julie Simmons and John Rice.
Feel free to wander in between Friday and Sunday this week for a preview of two landscape exhibitions by artists who are both fellows of the selective Royal Art Society of NSW.
Exhibition Dates: 2 - 19 November 2023
Celebration: Friday 3 November 7-9pm
@nationwide_curating21 Nationwide Curating #nationwidecurating #62atchisonstreet #stleonards #gallerynwc @johnriceartist @johnriceart #johnriceartist #johnriceart Julie Simmons Fine Art Julie Simmons Fine Art #juliesimmonsfineart #landscapepaintings #australianlandscape #oils #watercolours #watercolors #fellowroyalartsocietyofnsw