Little Changes - Big Impact

One of the little changes we made at Gallery NWC was to install a prefabricated, Merbau, slat-fence panel. We love the warmth of oiled Merbau and the charm it brings to Gallery NWC.
IMAGE: Courtesy of Eddy Summers Photography
Gallery NWC
62 Atchison Street
St Leonards NSW
Open Thursdays to Sundays.
@eddysummersphotography Eddy Summers Photography #eddysummersphotography Nationwide Curating @nationwide_curating21 #nationwidecurating #nationwidecurating21 #gallerynwc #gallerynwcstleonards #gallerynwcshoppingnook #northsydneyliving #luxurygoodssydney #newgalleryspace #stleonards #northsydney #sydneyinteriors #curation #curatedgalleryspace