Meet David Helmers

Thursday 6 April 2023 between 5-7pm
This artwork looks amazing with the natural light exposing the structure of the form and the beautiful crazing upon the surface.
Meet David and learn about his experimentations which took him in a new direction for this body of work.
Gallery NWC
62 Atchison Street
St Leonards

@david_helmers #davidhelmers #nationwidecurating @gallery_nwc #installationart #artgallerystleonards #stleonards #northsydney @northsydney #stleonards #62atchisonstreetstleonards #gallerynwc #gallery_nwc #contemporaryart #sculpturalinstallation #sculptor #sculpture #wallinstallation #porcelain #resin #fibreglass #slipcast #castceramics #stoneware #ceramicglaze #wallmountedart #delicateartwork #fineporcelain #experimentalsculpture