Gallery NWC - Shopping Nook!
Gallery NWC is launching our space Friday 24 February 2023
7-9pm Launch Party Exhibition
We are excited to announce our 12 month lease of L1, 62 Atchison Street, St Leonards, will include a small shopping nook. The concept here is to provide locally made arts and crafts items for sale.
1) Offering small 2D artworks, gift cards and archival prints to be displayed on black, Info-Rail: Paper Display Systems supplied and installed by Nationwide Curating.
2) Offering functional and non-functional ceramics, sculptures, jewelry and other handcrafted items for sale and display on wall shelving.
Interested artists: Please contact us for a 'Consignment: Info Pack & Agreement'.
The remainder of the gallery is open to Australian and International artists with 2, fully staffed and managed exhibition rooms. Our mission is to broaden the exposure opportunities for artists & to do this, they can benefit from stepping outside their home towns in order to extend or build a new audience.
Interested artists: Please contact us for an 'Exhibitors Information Pack'.
This space is being caretaken by Nationwide Curating as the former managers of White Rhino Art Space take a 12 month sabbatical to explore other opportunities.
We acknowledge this opportunity is also courtesy of Brand X Productions and TWT Property Group and is located on Cammeraygal land, St Leonards and we pay our respect to elders past, present and future and recognise a continuous connection to country.

Modest artist impression of Gallery NWC Shopping Nook corner....yes it was me! Please be kind as I am not a trained graphic designer.
#gallerynwcstleonards #gallerynwc #nationwidecurating #respect #acknowledgement #Cammeraygalland #northsydney #northsydneyarts #stleonardsarts #sydneygalleryshop #whatsonstleonards #undernewmanagement #community #attentionartists #attentionartlovers #luxurygoods #handmade #artworksforsale #paperdisplaysystems #installationservices #giftcards #galleryshopproductsforsale #greenspace