On behalf of the Blue Mountains Creative Arts Centre, we warmly welcome Therese Kenyon: Secretary - Print Council of Australia
Therese Kenyon is a Sydney based contemporary artist working primarily in painting and printmaking. She has an extensive exhibition history and is also an experienced independent curator and writer. Among other qualifications Therese holds a PhD in painting at the Australian National University’s School of Art, and a Masters Fine Arts degree from the College of Fine Arts, UNSW. She is a former Director of the Tin Sheds Art Workshops and Gallery at the University of Sydney, also Manly Art Gallery & Museum, and a board member of Eramboo Artist Environment as curator of exhibitions and program. She is a member of the Ultimo Project Artist Collective and is the current secretary of the Print Council of Australia.
@theresekenyon #theresekenyon #bluemountainscreativeartscentre @bluemountainscreativeartsctre @thejadeyurt #nationwidecurating #projectmanagement #bluemountainsprintprize #commercialartinstallations #printmakingprize #etching #acquatint #drypoint #lithography #photopolymerprintmaking #linocut #silkscreen #woodblockprint #cyanotype #artistbooks #3dprints #printmakinginstallations #photopolymer #chinecolle #viscocity #releifprinting #intaglioprint #curating #curator #artinstallers #musthangsally @galleryone88finearts Gallery ONE88 Fine Arts @blackbirdpaper blackbird paper #gallerynwc #gallerynwcstleonards @printcouncilofaustralia Print Council of Australia