Save the Dates - Kristy Lyn Osseweyer - Solo Exhibition

The upcoming, 3-week solo exhibition by Kristy Lyn Osseweyer 'From Ashes to Art - The Dance of Light and Darkness', begins 23 November and ends 10 December 2023. This will be one of two final exhibitions at Gallery NWC.
This means Kristy's Opening event will be extended by two hours to include our gallery closing event. Saturday 25 November 2-4pm (+ 4-6pm).
Well known for her ‘Fired Up’ landscape paintings, artist and volunteer firefighter, Kristy Lyn Osseweyer, explores areas within\of New South Wales, both as lovely summer days and aflame.
Gallery NWC @gallery_nwc #gallerynwcstleonards @kristylynosseweyerartist #kristylynosseweyer #firedup #australianlandscapes #burninglandscape #lightanddarkness #bushfires #fireartist #landscapepainter #firefighter