The Social Side of Printmaking

Printmaking has a wonderful connective potential. As a discipline, printmaking touches many lives. From primary to school aged, children use stamps and eventually linocut plates, stencils and pochoir at the very least. Adult learners eventually branch out toward a favoured matrix and can spend many years focussing on one particular approach to printmaking. Whatever the focus, this discipline promotes togetherness. Weather due to requiring a comunal print press or other equipment, it offers a social connection. There is obvious print exchange potential, print prizes and a wonderful academic journal 'Imprint' Magazine by the Print Council of Australia. Printmaking gets under your skin like ink stains under your nails.
Image: Print Exchange between NADC with Samara Kendall and BMCAC students
@bluemountainscreativeartsctre Blue Mountains Creative Arts Centre Inc. @thejadeyurt @bluemountainsprintmakersink Nationwide Curating @printcouncilofaustralia @galleryone88finearts @blackbirdpaper Gallery NWC #printmakingexchange #printmakers #printexchange #printmakingstudents