Welcome to Gallery NWC Ingrid Russell!

Ingrid became a contributing artist to Gallery NWC and particularly our Shopping Nook during our Gallery NWC Launch and Group Exhibition.
These little espresso cups have made one coffee loving man very happy.
Edited excerpt from the Curators Catalogue Foreword:
This exhibition continues and spans the ground floor, two galleries on Level 1 and the Gallery Shopping Nook. We have also recently added three artists from Hare Street Gallery, a Blue Mountains cooperative from Glenbrook, NSW, Alison James, Bronwyn Campbell and Ingrid Russell and you will find their ceramic pieces on L1.
Visit is at Gallery NWC: 62 Atchison Street, St Leonards
Thursdays-Fridays: 10am - 4pm
Weekends: 12pm - 4pm
@iggiruss @iggirussdesigns Iggiruss Designs Nationwide Curating @nationwide_curating21 #iggirussdesign #nationwidecurating #nationwidecurating_21 #gallerynwc #functionalceramics #ceramicist #esspressocups #ceramicsforsale #coffeelovers #sydneycoffeelovers #esspressoyourself #stleonardsnsw #crowsnestnsw #sydneyartscene #sydneyartgallery #newgalleristintown #curator #galleryshopping #galleryshoppingnook #littlebeauties #puppylove #dogandcoffeelovers