Welcome to Nationwide Curating Julie Simmons!

The Waterhole
Julie Simmons
Mixed media on canvas
Artwork 100x100cms
Framed 105x105cms
See this work online
'The Waterhole' is destined for the walls of WOTSO: North Strathfield (Bakehouse Quarter) as Julie is the first solo exhibition destined for this space.
Upcoming exhibition dates: 1 FEBRUARY 2023 - 26 APRIL 2023
Meet the Artist Date: Thursday 6 April 2023, 5-7pm
This artist:
1. Is an existing contributor to @galleryone88finearts Gallery ONE88 Fine Arts
2. Will shortly be featured as an ongoing contributor for Nationwide Curating
3. Has an upcoming exhibition at WOTSO: North Strathfield as the first featured artist destined for this site
4. Is a muli-award winning artist working often in the landscape genre
5. Is well known for her watercolour, oil and acrylic artworks.
Julie Simmons Fine Art @julie_simmons_fine_art #juliesimmonsfineart @galleryone88finearts #galleryone88finearts #nationwidecurating #collaboration #collaborativearts #smallbusinesssupport #strongertogether #landscapeartist #Arkaroola #centralaustralia #contemporarypainter #australianpainter #contemporaryartist #activatingspaces #artinstallations #artexhibitions #rotatingexhibitionservices #artworkdisplaysystems@wotso.northstrathfield @wotsoworkspace #artworkinstallationservices #musthangsally #ecommercebusiness #originalartworks #buyartonline #commercialclients #corporateclients #artinpublicspaces #sydneyartscene #nswartscene #freegiftwrapping #artworksforsale