Can You Hear It
Annmaree Mitchell
Oil on canvas
33.5cm x 33.5cm
"Can you hear it", pictured here with jewellery, made to compliment the painting, or the painting to compliment the jewellery. Jewellery sold separately. See staff for details
Can You Hear It
Can you hear it,
can you hear the whisper in the wind.
I can hear it swirl around me,
and feel myself within.
Can you hear it,
can you hear it rushing,
over stone, crevasses, and nooks.
Can you hear it,
Can you hear the silence of the fog.
I can hear it loud and clear,
in its quiet monologue.
Just listen,
listen, its symphony is grand.
We just need to stop, be still,
and contemplate this land
Art and poetry by Annmaree Mitchell