Waratah 3
Natasha Daniloff
Oil on Belgian linen
23cm x 23cm
Recipient of a Masters in Visual Art - Painting U.N.S.W. Natasha Daniloff has had
numerous solo and group exhibitions in Australia and overseas. Her residencies in
Tasmania, Hill End, Mildura and Italy have been pivotal in developing the techniques and
concepts within the themes in her current work. She is currently exploring various material and aesthetic possibilities in the way ideas about landscape and culture can connect.
Her work is held in private and public collections in U.S.A., U.K. Denmark, Singapore,
N.Z. and Australia. She is also featured in various publications: “ Artists Observed” C.
Hampshire, Art Vault 5th Anniversary catalogue and “The Artistic Time”, D Verducci. She
is also a recipient of various awards and art prizes.
A residency at la Macina di San Cresci, Italy was influential in developing her ideas on
compositional possibilities of light and shadow in order to heighten emotional and
dramatic effects in her paintings. Light, and topography have enormous variations and these determine the character of each painting. Colour, gesture and textural brush work are the painterly techniques used to capture and communicate the emotion elicited by different landscapes.
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