A range of Opportunities for artists living in the Blue Mountains and throughout Australia

Please contact us regarding your level of interest to participate in one or more of the opportunities listed below. In all cases, we offer fair and reasonably priced services to artists.
1. Attention Blue Mountains Artists
Expressions of Interest are invited for a permanent resident of a studio space for a solo artist in the Blue Mountains. This space has one large room with a balcony, is close to a train station and is in a town renowned for great coffee, food and creative practitioners.
Send expressions of interest to info@nationwidecurating.com
Please include your practice/discipline and a professional reference.
2. Attention all artists
Are you interested in exhibiting in Pyrmont and North Strathfield, NSW? We have exciting opportunities for agile artists. Artists who elect to exhibit with us in 'rotating exhibition services' enjoy a range of benefits—One of which includes 3-month-long exhibitions in premium locations. Interested?
3. Attention all artists
Gallery NWC is located at 62 Atchison Street, St Leonards. This gallery is a short-term residence for Nationwide Curating and offers artists an affordable alternative to exhibiting with Sydney commercial gallery spaces. Enjoy a minimum of 2 weeks of exhibitions with an option to stay on under consignment, this opportunity will not last. See our website for details and for further information get in touch.
#opportunitiesforartists #supportingaustralianartists #supporthandmade #artist #gallerynwc Gallery NWC @gallery_nwc #nationwidecurating #nationwidecurating21 #artistcallout #artistcalloutaustralia #agileartists #artistinresidence #creativepractitionerswanted #bluemountainsartists #bluemountainsnsw #stleonards #62atchisonstreetstleonards @northsydney @stleonards #exhibitionopportunities #sydneyartgalleries