ATTENTION ARTISTS Announcing - Available Exhibition Dates in 2024

Gallery NWC
188 Katoomba Street
Katoomba NSW 2780
Gallery NWC is accepting proposals for 2024 for the following dates.
Applications to Please include up to 5 images and a small statement about the intended exhibition naming all participants. Minimum booking of 2 weeks unless specified below. Solo (1-2 artists) and groups (3+) welcome.
1. 9 to 27 May - Gallery 2
2. 30 May to 10 June - Gallery 2
3. 13 June to 1 July - Gallery 2
4. 8 August to 26 August - Gallery 2
5. 22 August to 9 September - Gallery 1
6. 17 October to 11 November - Gallery 2
7. 14 November to 25 November - Gallery 2
8. 12 to 23 December - Gallery 1 & 2

Gallery Street facing room includes window

Gallery 2 is comprised of two rooms (images 3-4)
Please note: Artist incentives available for all bookings upon confirmation.
#gallerynwc #artistcallout #acceptingexhibitionproposals
#scheduledexhibitions #rotatingexhibitionservies #curatedspaces #artgallery #bookingdeadline #acceptingfinalrequests #expressionsofinterest #artgalleriesnsw @nationwide_curating21 @nationwide_curating21 #nationwidecurating #gallerynwc