Creek at Grattai by John Rice - Available through Gallery NWC

Creek at Grattai
John Rice
Oil on canvas
79cm x 103cm x 5cm (framed raw timber)
Gallery NWC Group Exhibition
Continues for the month of March
John Rice comes to Gallery NWC courtesy of Gallery ONE88 Fine Arts and our collaborative artist-share arrangement.
@johnriceart John Rice Art Nationwide Curating @nationwide_curating21 @galleryone88finearts #galleryone88finearts #johnriceart #galleryone88finearts #nationwidecurating #nationwidecurating_21 #impressionistpainter #landscapepainter #australianlandscape #creekatgrattai #grattai #mudgee #mudgeensw #regionalnsw #regionalnswarts #talentedpainter #hawkesburyartist