'Health Space Gallery' hosts an art exhibition by Juliana Martina

WOTSO "Health Space Gallery"
North Strathfield - Bakehouse Quarter
Exhibition: 9 Feb - 5 April 2024
Meet the Artist: Thursday 15, 5-7pm
Level 1/5 George Street, North Strathfield.
WAYFINDING VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqfqU1wBM_0
Exhibition open Mondays-Fridays during business hours. Grab your 'Health Space Gallery' access pass from WOTSO Reception prior to visiting the gallery. If you need assistance phone the WOTSO site team (02) 9739 4800
@wotso.northstrathfield WOTSO FlexSpace WOTSO WorkSpace @wotsoflexspace @julianamartina #julianamartinaartist #nationwidecurating #nationwidecurating21 #nationwidecurating_21 #mentorship #artistmentorshipprogram #meettheartist #meettheartist2024 #healthspacegallery #bakehousequarter @bakehousequarter