Sculptures (artworks 43 - 50)
Brian Reid
'Found' Assemblages
4 Litres
$ 660 incl. GST
Brian A Reid
Born 1946 Sydney Australia. 1953 family migrated to New Zealand.
Secondary School Studies: Kamo HS & Aukland Grammar Sch NZ.
Tertiary Studies: Ilam Sch Fine Arts Canterbury Un NZ; Scholarship NZ Ed Dept; Christchurch Teachers College NZ; Post Graduate Studes City Art Inst Syd; B.Ed (Art) City Art Inst Syd.
Study Tour of France & Italy; Guest Artist School of Art Rome.
Teaching - Secondary:
HOD Art Whangarei Boys HS NZ; HOD Art St Mary's College Adelaide SA;
Art Techer SCECGS Redlands Syd; HOD Art The Kings Sch Syd; HOD Art Laidly HS Qld;
HOD Art St Mary's College Ipswich QLD;
Visiting Art Teacher NSW & QLD Sec Schools.
Teaching - Tertiary:
Lecturer Ilam Sch Art Canterbury Un NZ; Tutor Aukland Art Soc NZ;
Lecturer Nepean CAE Kingswood NSW; Lecturer City Art Inst Syd;
Supervisor Practice Teaching Student Art Teachers Sydney Un;
HOD Art Bradfield College NSW TAFE; Tutor Seaforth College NSW TAFE.
Community Arts:
Began Ponsonby Arts Festival & Outreach Arts Centre Aukland NZ;
Reference from Hon Catherine Tizard Mayor of Aukland (later NZ Governor General); Director Hope House Gallery Fitzroy Melbourne; Reference from Mr E Smith Director Aukland Art Gallery NZ; Graphic Artist News Ltd Syd; Twice Short Listed for Director position Biennale of Sydney Transfield Steel Syd;
J Walter Thompson DeBeers Project Syd.
Visual Art Practice: Exhibitions (Solo & Group) & Studios -
New Zealand: Studios - Christchurch, Wellington, Dunedin, Whangarei, Aukland; Invitation to exhibit at NZ House Embassy London.
Australia: Alice Springs Art Prize Group Exh NT; Studios - Melbourne Fitzroy VIC; Adelaide Thebarton SA; Visited Perth WA.
Milan Italy: Reference from Lanfranco Colombo Director Canon Galleries.
Sydney: Studios - Randwick; Sydney Festival Studios Oxford St; Guest Artist
Brett Whiteley Studio Circular Quay; Graphic Artist News Ltd Syd.
Brisbane: Studios - Stones Corner, Metro Arts, Edward St, Paddington, Red Hill.
Blue Mountains, NSW: Studios - First Av & Lurline St Katoomba;
Solo Exhibition NWC Gallery Katoomba Director Katherine Kennedy curated by Pennie Steel; Visited Hobart TAS.
Complete Bio - www.steelreidstudio.com
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